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Department |
Energy Resource Engineering |
E-Mail | |
Major |
Economics of Innovation and Resources, Management of Innovation and Resources |
School |
Seoul National University(Bachelor's Degree)/Mechanical Engineering
Seoul National University(Master's Degree)/기술정책(협동과정)
Seoul National University(Doctor's Degree)/기술정책(협동과정)
Career |
한국과학기술연구원 정책기획실/선임연구원
과학기술연합대학원대학교 기술경영정책학과/초빙교수
연세대, 고려대,한양대,경희대,서울시립대 연구관리/강사
국민대학교 기업경영학부/강사
Degree thesis |
Major scientific thesis |
- Investigating Technological Advancement Strategies for the Innovation Impact of Alternative Energy Patents, sustainability, Vol.16 No.2, 562, 2024.
- An Exploration of Marian Spiritual Practices: Toward a Daily Transcendent Spiritual Life with Mother Mary, RELIGIONS, Vol.14 No.4, , 2023.
- Factors of Collaboration Affecting the Performance of Alternative Energy Patents in South Korea from 2010 to 2017, sustainability, Vol.13 No.18, , 2021.
- Patent Analysis on the Development of the Shale Petroleum Industry Based on a Network of Technological Indices, ENERGIES, Vol.13 No.24, , 2020.
- Progress of Technological Innovation of the United States' Shale Petroleum Industry Based on Patent Data Association Rules, sustainability, Vol.12 No.16, , 2020.
- Role of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology in the early development process of Korean shipbuilding industry, JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION, Vol.27 No.5, 99~122, 2019.
- Co-development strategy of gas and electricity in developing countries, GEOSYSTEM ENGINEERING, Vol.22 No.5, 239~250, 2019.
- Change of Data-Driven Drug Design Trends Through Patent Analysis, , Vol.7 No.8, , 2019.
- Enhancing public acceptance of renewable heat obligation policies in South Korea: Consumer preferences and policy implications, ENERGY ECONOMICS, Vol.81, 1167~1177, 2019.
- Financial Feasibility and Social Acceptance for Reducing Nuclear Power Plants: A Contingent Valuation Study, sustainability, Vol.10 No.11, , 2018.
- Learning Curve, Change in Industrial Environment, and Dynamics of Production Activities in Unconventional Energy Resources, sustainability, Vol.10 No.9, , 2018.
- VECM과 EGARCH를 이용한 국제유가와 국내 산업생산 및 금리 변동성의 관계에 대한 연구, Innovation studies, Vol.13 No.1, 69~84, 2018.
- Analyzing the Learning Path of US Shale Players by Using the Learning Curve Method, sustainability, Vol.9 No.12, , 2017.
- An Analysis of Decision Factors on the Price of South Korea's Certified Emission Reductions in Use of Vector Error Correction Model, sustainability, Vol.9 No.10, , 2017.
- 국제유가 변동이 가계의 세부 소비구조 변화에 미치는 영향에 대한 고찰: 벡터자기회귀모형(VAR)을 이용하여, Innovation studies, Vol.12 No.1, 143~166, 2017.
- Optimal Construction of Renewable Energy Portfolio in use of MDCEV Model, Korea Energy Economic Review, Vol.15 No.2, 55~88, 2016.
- Multiple criteria decision making for setting priorities of renewable energy technology assessment, 한국혁신학회, Vol.11 No.2, 155~184, 2016.
- Productivity decomposition and economies of scale of Korean fossil-fuel power generation companies: 2001-2012, ENERGY, Vol.100, 1~9, 2016.
- Analysis of Priorities of Constructive Factors of New and Renewable Energy Policy in South Korea using Analytic Hierarchical Process, 한국혁신학회, Vol.11 No.1, 29~69, 2016.
- What do customers want from improved residential electricity services? Evidence from a choice experiment, ENERGY POLICY, Vol.85, 410~420, 2015.
- 신재생에너지정책에 대한 산학관 전문가그룹의 인식 차이에 관한 분석, 한국혁신학회, Vol.10 No.1, 99~121, 2015.
- Energy Resources from the Perspective of Bible and Christian Theology, 로고스경영연구, Vol.12 No.1, 15~34, 2014.
- R&D 조직에서 핵심역량 심화를 위한 우수인력의 집단적 유치 방안에 관한 연구, 한국혁신학회, Vol.8 No.2, 25~49, 2013.
- 해양에너지 복합발전단지의 경제적 타당성 분석에 관한 시론적 연구, Journal of the Korean society for geosystem engineering, Vol.50 No.3, 387~398, 2013.
- Multidisciplinary Team Research as an Innovation Engine in Knowledge-Based Transition Economies and Implication for Asian Countries: From the Perspective of the Science of Team Science, Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia, Vol.12 No.1, 49~63, 2013.
- A Study on the mobility limitation of technical personnel in Korea - focusing on problems in unidirectional mobility, 한국혁신학회, Vol.7 No.2, 51~74, 2012.
- Strengthening competency linkage to innovation at Korean universities, SCIENTOMETRICS, Vol.90 No.1, 219~230, 2012.
- Perspectives on technology transfer strategies of Korean companies in point of resource and capability based view, JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT AND INNOVATION, Vol.6 No.1, 161~184, 2011.
Major science journals |
- 협력적 순환경제 시스템 마련, 10년 후 대한민국 : 4차 산업혁명 시대의 생산과 소비 미래전략 보고서, 지식공감, 2017.
- 기술경제학, 학문명백과 (기술경제학), Naver & 형설출판사, 2014.
- 기술정책, 학문명백과 (기술정책), Naver & 형설출판사, 2014.
Patents |